Speakers – Robin Crewe

Prof Robin Crewe is the acting Senior Vice-Principal of University of Pretoria and was first appointed as a Vice-Principal in 2003. He is also Professor of Entomology and the leader of the Social Insects Research Group (SIRG) in the Department of Zoology and Entomology at the University.

Prof Crewe obtained a BSc (Agric) (Chemistry and Biochemistry) and MSc (Agric) (Biochemistry) degree from the University of Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal). He obtained his PhD in Entomology from the University of Georgia where he developed his interest in chemical communication and social organisation in social insects.

He was Director of the Communication Biology Research Group of the University of the Witwatersrand for 10 years, as well as Dean of the Faculty of Science at Wits. He became Dean of the Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sciences (which was later changed to the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences) at the University of Pretoria in 1997 – a position he held until being appointed as Vice-Principal.

Prof Crewe has been active in the development of professional registration of natural scientists and the promotion of a number of learned scientific societies, including the presidency of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa.

He is the past President of the Academy of Science of South Africa, Chair of the Network of African Academies of Science, Fellow of the Academy of Science of the Developing World (TWAS), Fellow of African Academy of Science, Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society and Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa. His professional recognition includes receiving the gold medal of the Zoological Society of South Africa and the Chevalier: L’Ordre Nationale du Mérite, being an honorary member of APIMONDIA.


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